Tanning products contain skincare ingredients that are necessary for healthy
skin. Healthy skin also tans darker, faster, and holds color
longer. The 7 categories of lotion
are Intensifiers, Maximizers, Bronzers, Tingles, Facial, Moisturizers
and After Tan lotions. Depending on skin condition and skin type,
using a quality skincare tanning product can increase the results of a tanning
session up to 30- 40%!
Why Should I Use Tanning
common question to ask for anyone that tans - whether it is outdoors, indoors
in a tanning bed, or spray tanning – is, “Why should I use tanning lotions? Are
they necessary, and if so, what are the key advantages?” Lotion Review is committed
to the overall well-being of our readers and their skin so along with tanning
lotion reviews we are always on the lookout for the latest tips. The
answer to this question, when referring to tanning indoors under UV rays or
outdoors is extremely straight-forward. Read more…
"Alphabet Cream" Formulas
An increasingly
popular trend in skincare is to identify new products as a “BB”, “CC”, or “DD”
cream formula. The staff at Lotion Review thought our readers might
like an explanation of some of the latest alphabet descriptions. There are many
new tanning lotions that include these “alphabet cream” formulas, which are
typically associated with giving skin a matte or airbrush finish to minimize
Read more…
Read more…
Protecting Your Skin
during Cold Winter Months
winter air can be very brutal on the skin. The cold weather can leave your skin
feeling dry, irritated, and itchy. Lotion Review has compiled a list of simple yet effective ways to protect your
skin during the cold winter months, to help keep it healthy and feeling supple
and moist all season long. Read more…